sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015

ET final project

We are so so sorry for the delay. We hope you cand understand us

7 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I enjoyed watching your presentation. I think that all of us had a huge work to do, but you guys had the biggest one since you had to find the way to integrate all the skills and subskills in your proposal.
    Knowing about your proposal and the project you did was interesting.
    The way you organized the whole project was the accurate and according to what the teacher asked us to do. I consider you are a great team because you knew how the manage and organize all the information you gathered.
    I sincerely congratulate you guys. I imagine that the fact of using a resource that be able to integrate all the skills was a difficult goal to achieve, but you did it and I also think that was the best you could ever selected.
    Amazing project. It was a shame that you couldn't present it to us yesterday.
    Congrats, congrats, congrats.
    Enjoy the vacations!!! :)

  3. You guys did a fine job. We can understand the trouble you guys wen through since we had trouble trying to find an technological tool (app) that focused on our skill, you guys had to find one that integrated the four of them.
    We liked your proposal. It gave us many ideas! Als, we were very please by the way that you guys used SlideStory to integrate alll four skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening).
    We were just wondering:
    Were you guys able to choose more than one app? Maybe consider using one for listening and speaking, and another one for reading and wrinting?
    If posible, do you guys consider it would have been easier, in a way, for students to develop the four skills mentioned?
    It's just something we were wondering.
    Anyhow, we really enjoyed your presentation.
    We congratulate you guys.

    - Team #4
    Ambar Carrillo
    Monse Medina

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Congratulations guys! We appreciate your work because we know it is difficult to find an app that manage the four English skills but you did very well. SlideStory is a great way to apply writing, listening, speaking, and reading so, it is perfect for your proposal We would have liked you present it to us but it is OK because you explained it perfectly. See you soon guys!
    Team #2

  6. Hey guys, congratulations for your job, We think that find an application where someone can practice all skills is a pretty hard work, but you did it very well. It was a great presentation, and I have to say that the application that Janeth used to do her part was a great detail because we could also saw part of your job; Without standing, It wans't necessary to deepen about your framework because there is information that we've already seen in class and we already know it, In the other hand, the presentation should be focus only in your proposal only.
    It was a great job! Congratulations Team !!!
    Team #1

  7. Congratulations on your presentation!!!! Very good work ;) Seeing your video and your classmates' presentations the other day makes me want to take the technology class again and learn about these wonderful ideas and technological tools.

    I do have a question regarding your proposal. I understand you are integrating the four language skills, but the app you are suggesting mainly develops ss' writing skills, and maybe reading...am I right? Therefore, you would have to use another app(s) to cover the listening and speaking skills. ;) Thanks once again for sharing your wonderful ideas ;)

    Deon Heffington
